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Im Jahre 1994 begab es sich, dass eine Anwaltskanzlei in Amerika um die 6000 Usenet Groups mit Anzeigen für Greencard-Unterstützung belästigte. Das war die Geburtsstunde von Spam, wie er heute schon zum Alltag gehört.



Article Manager

Deployment of Sugarplum

updated by rck, 2004-10-24
Deployment of Sugarplum

I've got another two spam-mails to my webmaster-account at my domain. That does it, I strike back! I've deployed Sugar Plum today on my site.

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Order me

updated by rck, 2004-10-05
Order me

I've just discovered, some was looking for me. In Google. He entered "Rene Kiesler" as a search string. How interesting. So I had a look, what google was finding.

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Scrambling Email-Addresses

updated by rck, 2006-03-26
Scrambling Email-Addresses

Sometimes, you just have to make your email-address public in a way or another. But: This could lead to serious spamming, as some webrobots try to exactly find those addresses and make them part of a spammers addressbook.

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Microsoft sues Spammer. Again.

updated by rck, 2006-03-30
Microsoft sues Spammer. Again.

You can say what you will about Microsoft. I still believe, they have some very good points. They are big enough in making a difference while battling spam, for example.

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